Becas de Postgrado en la Universidad de Amberes, Bélgica

El Consejo de Universidades Flamencas de Bélgica y la Cooperación Universitaria al Desarrollo (VLIR-UOS) ofrece 10 becas completas para Maestrías en Desarrollo, impartidas por el prestigioso Instituto de Política y Gestión del Desarrollo (IOB) de la Universidad de Amberes (University of Antwerp), Bélgica, dirigida a países de Latinoamérica (Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haití, Nicaragua, Perú)Asia (Camboya, Filipinas, Indonesia, Territorios Palestinos, Vietnam) y África (Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, RD Congo, Etiopía, Guinea, Camerún, Kenya, Madagascar, Malí, Marruecos, Mozambique, Ruanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Sudáfrica, Níger):

  1. Maestría en Globalización y Desarrollo
  2. Maestría en Evaluación y Gestión del Desarrollo
  3. Maestría en Gobernanza y Desarrollo

Plazo de postulación: 1 de febrero de 2021

Mayor información:


Development Studies

at the University of Antwerp, Belgium

30 Scholarships available!


Master of Globalisation and Development

  • Tackle the great challenges of our time: migrationclimate and environment and more equal distribution of wealth through tradeglobal value chains and labour markets
  • Study the opportunities of inclusive development at the interface of global and local development processes
  • Assess policy and programme interventions and the role of public and private actors therein.

Master of Development Evaluation and Management

  • Assess the strenghts and weaknesses of the development paradigms and the role of external actors in that respect.
  • Attain a better understanding of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development policies and programmes.
  • Analyse the interaction between national institutionslocal politics and external actors.

Master of Governance and Development

  • Analyse governance in the interaction between the dynamics at the national level and the local level.
  • Attain a better understanding of the processes of state formation, state failure and state reconstruction.
  • Explore the issues of governance and development against the background of violent conflict and the challenge of post-conflict state reconstruction.

Your future

IOB graduates mostly work in the government sector, parliaments, inter/supranational organisations, national and international NGOs, higher education/research, and bi- or multilateral donor agencies.